Reviews van deze auteur


Review over DoYouSpain

I'm very unhappy with the car insurance. If I am correct, it is actually misleading.

Your website (see picture 1) gives the impression that "any insurance risk" is mitigated during booking; "If you don’t want to take that risk, you can protect yourself right now. Simply choose the Platinum Excess Waiver option below." (picture 1 below)
Your website implies that all insurance risks are fully covered,
After the booking, the insurance email describes, "And what will happen when I collect the car? DRIVALIA will ask you to leave a deposit of 2000.00 €."
This is already different from expectation. Typically, this is not done when applying for (the suggested) full coverage,
Even worse, this 'Platinum Excess Waiver' only covers up to 10K pounds (see PDF attached): " PLEASE NOTE! The maximum total benefit we will pay, in relation to any one incident, or in total during the period of cover for all benefits, is £10,000."
So if the car is stolen (example value = 60000 £), the insurance company only covers 10000 £, leaving me in to pay the other 50000 £,
Also, even if the insurance company "would" pay, I must pay for the damage myself in advance.
After that, it remains to be seen (after complying with seven items, PDF, pages-1) whether the insurance company is paying back the 10000 £
